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Meet Our Organizers

Coordinating Members of the VPC

Meet Our Organizers

Francesca Colonnese

Ph.D. Candidate,
University of Washington

Francesca Colonnese is a Ph.D. candidate in English at the University of Washington. Her research uses the cognitive science of temporal perception to describe how poetry affects and changes a reader's sense of felt time. Time becomes a malleable quality through poetry's sound patterns, rhythms, and depictions of time itself. Her dissertation applies these observations to the poetry of Tennyson, Christina Rossetti, George Meredith, and others. She can also be found as a co-writer of “Coreading Middlemarch in Pandemic Times: Using Digital Humanities to Build Community at a Distance.” in George Eliot-George Henry Lewes Studies, which considered the utility of Digital Humanities projects during the Covid-19 pandemic. She is the current Graduate Student Coordinator.

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Junior Fellow, 
Harvard University

Imogen Forbes-Macphail is a junior fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows, where she is working on her current book project, Line and Number: Formal Problems in Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Mathematics. Her research contends that mathematics can transform our understanding of nineteenth-century poetry by providing a new formal vocabulary with which to articulate the formal innovations of the era. Recent publications include “Topological Poetics: Gerard Manley Hopkins, Nineteenth-Century Mathematics, and the Principle of Continuity” (ELH, 2021), and “‘Colours of the Dying Dolphin’: Nineteenth-Century Defences of Literature and Mathematics” (The Palgrave Handbook of Literature and Mathematics, 2021). Her next major project will focus on the influence of the Indian algebraic tradition on nineteenth-century mathematical and poetic thought. She is the current Caucus Representative for VPC.



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Amy Kahrmann Huseby

Associate Teaching Professor, Florida International University

Amy Kahrmann Huseby is Associate Teaching Professor at Florida International University, where she teaches courses in nineteenth-century British literature. She has work published or forthcoming in Victorian Poetry, Women’s Writing, Victorian Periodicals Review, Victorian Studies, Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies, South Atlantic Review, and in several edited collections. Her own poetry has appeared in The Atlantic Review, Pearl, and Wilderness House Literary Review, among others. She serves as Editor for Victoriographies (Edinburgh University Press), and she is currently at work on both The Cambridge History of Victorian Women’s Writing (forthcoming 2026) and The Verse Dramas of Michael Field (forthcoming 2027). Amy founded the Victorian Poetry Caucus in 2016 to create a scholarly community for those whose work emphasizes nineteenth-century poetry, prosody, and poetics.

Meet Our Advisors

Advising Members of the VPC 

Meet Our Advisors
Meet Our Affiliates
Rachael Isom
Charles LaPorte
Lindsey O'Neil
Jason Rudy
Marjorie Stone
Elizabeth Howard
Linda Hughes
Heather Witcher
Veronica Alfano
Melissa Valiska Gregory

Discover More Members of the Victorian Poetry Caucus @ NAVSA

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